
    The Beauty and the Beast | Class 7 | Lesson 4 | Activity Question Answer | WBBSE

    “The Beauty and the Beast” is a lesson from the Textbook “Blossom” approved by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for the students of Class 7. Here all the Activity Questions are done by English teachers.

    Activity 1

    Choose the correct option:

    What is the text type? Is it — (a) an imaginary story (b) a true story (c) the life story of a famous person.

    Answer: The text is an imaginary story of a famous person.

    Activity 2

    Underline the correct answer:

    (a) Belle is the name of the –

    (i) Youngest daughter

    (ii) middle daughter

    (iii) eldest daughter

    Answer: Belle is the na of the – Youngest daughter.

    (b) Belle asked her father to bring –

    (i) jewels

    (ii) dresses

    (iii) a rose

    Answer: Belle asked her father to bring – a rose.

    (c) The owner of the castle was a –

    (i) rich merchant

    (ii) beast

    (iii) king

    Answer: The owner of the castle was a – beast.

    Activity 3

    Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers:

    (a) The merchant had three daughters. [ True ]

    Supporting Statement: Once upon a time a wealthy merchant lived in a big mansion with his three daughters.

    (b) The merchant lost his way on his return journey. [ True ]

    Supporting Statement: While returning, he lost his way in a forest.

    (c) Belle did not go to the castle on her own will. [ False ]

    Supporting Statement: …. but she pried it from him and willingly went to the beat castle.

    (d) Belle became the mistress of the castle. [ True ]

    Supporting Statement: You are the mistress of the castle, and I am your servant.

    Activity 4

    Answer the following questions:

    (a) How did the fortune of the merchant change? 

    Answer: The merchant lost all his wealth in a tempest.

    (b) What were the gifts that the three daughters asked for? 

    Answer: Two daughters asked for jewels and fine dresses. The youngest daughter asked for a rose.

    (c) Why did the merchant go to the castle? 

    Answer: The merchant went to the castle to have some shelter.

    (d) What did the Beast demand from the merchant? 

    Answer: The beast demands the merchant’s youngest daughter.

    (e) Why did Belle go to the castle of the Beast?

    Answer: To save her father’s promise and life Belle went to the castle of the Beast.

    Activity 5

    Fill in the table with information from the text:

    The merchant lost all his wealth in a tempest on sea.The merchant moved over to village farmhouse
    The merchant promised to send Belle to the castleThe beast made the merchant free with profuse gifts for his daughters.
     Belle found the beast almost dead out of heartbreak.Belle wept over the body of the beast

    Activity 6

    Answer the following sentences:

    (1) Why did the Beast decide to kill the merchant?

    Answer: The beast decided to kill the merchant because he plucked a precious rose from the beast’s garden.

    (2) How did the Beast look after Belle in his castle?

    Answer: The beast looked after Belle providing her with lavish clothing and food. Here Belle lived in luxury like a queen.

    (3) Why did Belle fail to find the prince of her dreams in the castle? 

    Answer: Belle failed to find the prince of her dreams in the castle because the prince was the beast itself.

    (4) What were the two things Belle carried to her father’s house? Why did she take them? 

    Answer: The two things are a mirror and a ring. If anything happens to the beast, then she can come quickly.

    (5) How did a handsome prince become an ugly beast? 

    Answer: A handsome prince became ugly beast as a fairy gave a curse to the prince and made him a beast.

    Activity 7

    Rearrange the sentences in the correct order by writing the numbers in the brackets. One is done for you:

    (1) The ugly Beast became a handsome prince. [ 6 ]

    (2) Belle declined to marry the Beast. [ 3

    (3) The merchant promised to bring a rose for Belle. [ 1

    (4) Belle wept on the dying body of the Beast. [ 5 ]

    (5) Belle went to the castle of the Beast. [ 2

    (6) Belle promised to return to the castle exactly a week later. [ 1 ]

    Activity 8

    The meanings of certain words are given here. Identify those words from the text:

    (i) imprisoned (ii) that which cannot be seen (iii) friendly and kind behavior to guests (iv) completely changed

    (i) imprisoned : Captive

    (ii) that which cannot be seen : Invisible

    (iii) friendly and kind behaviour to guests : Gracious

    (iv) completely changed : Transformed

    Activity 9

    Odd one out

    In each set there is a word that does not fit with the rest of the words in the set. Identify the word. One is done for you:

    (i) Mansion / palace / flat / huge house : flat 

    (ii) drizzle / storm / tempest / cyclone : drizzle 

    (iii) friend / foe / ally / compatriot : foe

    (iv) refuse / accept / decline / deny : accept 

    Activity 10

    Form groups. Discuss among yourselves and identify the nouns that the participle adjectives in the above sentences of Activity 9 qualify.

    Activity 11

    Underline the participle adjectives in the following sentences:

    (1) Runa is a trained nurse. 

    (2) The police caught the absconding prisoner. 

    (3) A rising sun looks bright. 

    (4) Do not board a running bus. 

    (5) The sleeping girl is looking beautiful.

    Activity 12

    Identify whether the following sentences are in Direct or Indirect Speech: 

    i) He said, “I am busy.” : Direct Speech

    ii) The master said that the clerk would not attend office that day.  : Indirect Speech 

    iii) The student said that she had left her bag there. : Indirect Speech 

    iv) She said, “I am leaving for Delhi now.” : Direct Speech 

    Activity 13 (a)

    You have just finished reading a beautiful story. Write a story in about 80 words with the help of the points given below. Give a title to your story:

    merchant — going home through forest — has bag full of money — rain falls — gets wet — curses the rain — a robber comes — points gun at the merchant — shoots — unhurt — wet gunpowder — merchant thanks God for rain. 


    The Merchant and Rain 

    Once upon a time, there was a merchant. He was going home through the forest. He had a bag which was full of money. At that time rain was falling. He gets wet and curses the rain. Suddenly a robber comes there. He points his gun at the merchant. Merchant shouts loudly. The robber fired a shot at him but nothing happened. The bullet did not go out as the gunpowder was wet in the pain. The merchant looked up and said thank God for giving the rain .Just because of the rain his money and his life was saved.

    Activity 13 (b)

    Describe in a short paragraph (within 80 words) about your experience of visiting a garden of flowers. You may use the following clues: 

    its location 

    objects seen there 

    types of flowers 

    its effect on you 

    the beautiful memory that will always linger in your mind 


    A Visit To A Garden of Flowers

    Last Sunday I went to a garden of flowers. The garden is ten minutes walk away from our home. There were saplings of various fruits, vegetables and flowers. The garden was full of all kinds of flowers- rose, lily, daisy, jasmine, marigold, dahlia and countless others. When I strolled  in the garden, I forgot all the worries of life at that time. The fountain in the middle of the garden, coloured fish in the water tank, colourful flowers and their fragrances, its view on a moonlit night will always linger in my mind.

    The Beauty And The Beast Activity Question Answer

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