
    The North Ship । Philip Larkin । Class 9 । Lesson 9 । Activity Question Answer। WBBSE

    “The North Ship” is a lesson of Textbook “Bliss” approved by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for the Students of Class 9. Here all the Activity Questions are done by teachers.

    Textual Questions:

    Exercise 1

    Tick the correct from the given alternatives:

    (1) The number of ships sailing by were

    (a) three

    (b) two

    (c) five

    (d) four

    Answer: The number of ships sailing by were — three.

    (2) The wind carried the first ship to a

    (a) big country

    (b) small country

    (c) rich country

    (d) distant country

    Answer: The wind carried the first ship to a — rich country.

    (3) The second ship turned towards the

    (a) west

    (b) north

    (c) south

    (d) east

    Answer: The second ship turned towards the — east.

    (4) The decks of the third ship shone

    (a) brightly

    (b) frostily

    (c) clearly

    (d) dimly

    Answer: The decks of the third ship shone — frostily.

    (5) The northern sky rose over the

    (a) unfruitful sea

    (b) kind sea

    (c) stormy sea

    (d) calm sea

    Answer: The northern sky rose over the — unfruitful sea.

    (6) The third ship was rigged

    (a) long journey

    (b) short journey

    (c) slow journey

    (d) quick journey

    Answer: The third ship was rigged — long journey

    Exercise 2

    Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

    (a) What did wind do to the second ship?

    Answer: When the second ship started its journey the wind hunted it like a wild beast. It kept the ship in captivity and could not continue with its long onward journey.

    (b) Give any two points difference between the  journey of the third ship and the other two ships.

    Answer: Firstly, the first two ships were attacked and held captive by the wind while the third one was not attacked by wind and it moved freely. Secondly, the first two ships return back while the third one continues with his long journey overcoming obstacles in its way. 

    Grammar in use:

    Exercise 3

    Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal given in the list below. Change the form if necessary. There are two extra phrasal verbs.

    (a) The child resembles his grandfather. 

    Answer: The child takes after his grandfather.

    (b) They published a magazine recently.

    Answer: They brought out a magazine recently.

    (c) My mother taught me not to disrespect anyone.

    Answer: My mother taught me not to look down upon anyone.

    (d) We should abolish bad habits.

    Answer: We should give up bad habits.

    (e) A new university was built at Coochbehar.

    Answer: A new university was set up at Coochbehar.

    [Phrasal verbs: bring out, set up, put up, run after, give up, look down upon, take after] 

    Exercise 4

    Do as directed:

    (a) The man was so weak that he could not walk. ( rewrite using ‘too’)

    Answer: The man was too weak to walk.

    (b) Titir is one of the most intelligent girls in the class. (rewrite using the positive degree of the underlined adjective)

    Answer: Very few girls are as intelligent as Titir in the class.

    (c) As soon as he reached home, it started raining heavily. (Change into a negative sentence)

    Answer: No sooner had he reached home than it started raining heavily.

     (d) Why cry over spilt milk? ( Change into an assertive sentences)

    Answer: It is useless to cry over spilt milk.

     (e) Blood is thicker than water. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

    Answer: Is not blood thicker than water?

    (f) He told a lie intentionally. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘intentionally’)

    Answer: He told a lie with intention.

    (g) Run fast or you will be late. ( Change into a complex sentence)

    Answer: If you don’t run fast, you will be late.

    (h) The reporter made the news public. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘public’)

    Answer: The reporter publicized the news.


    Exercise 5

    Write a newspaper report within 100 words on the effect of a devastating flood in your district based on the following hints:

    Midnapore district-month of July – heavy rainfall – rivers overflowing-trees uprooted, many villages flooded- loss of human and animal life-rescue operations-steps taken by the government


    A Devastating Flood Causes Havoc In Midnapore

    Midnapore, 20 July 2022: Due to heavy rainfall in the month of July, Midnapore district has been affected. Rivers were overflowing due to heavy rainfall. Also it took a toll on the lives of the people. Trees were uprooted causing much trouble. Many villages also got flooded. As a result of this, there was heavy loss of human lives. Not only human lives but it affected animals and birds too. It caused much loss to the environment. Government took steps and immediately carried out the rescue operation. The operation was carried out successfully and people were moved to safe places. Government has promised to help the affected people.

    Exercise 6

    Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.


    Mausumi : Hello Purba, how are you?

    Purba : Hello Mausumi I’m good. I heard that you recently went on a voyage. How was it?

    Mausumi : Yes, it was wonderful. I have been to the Netherlands.

    Purba: Wow, that is amazing. I too had been to America recently. Our ship’s name was ‘Little Titanic.’

    Mausumi : Sounds interesting. We had a great time with other sailors who were much experienced and guided us throughout the journey.

    Purba : Even though I had a good time and not only that but I learnt many things from other team mates.

    Mausumi : We are lucky to have experienced such beautiful journeys.

    Purba : Absolutely. We should go together some day.

    Mausumi : This is an awesome idea. We should definitely go.

    Purba : I have to leave now. I will see you later.

    Mausumi : Sure. Good day.

    The North Ship । Philip Larkin । Class 9 । Lesson 9 । Activity Question Answer। WBBSE

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